In December 2007, the Town purchased property on Atlantic Avenue across the street from the ocean to be used as a park to preserve, in perpetuity, public green space on the Atlantic Ocean. The property is located in the heart of the downtown area between K and L Avenues near the Kure Beach Fishing Pier.
The Town Council formed a committee to develop a design concept for the park. The final design includes a pavilion to be open on three sides with a stage to be used for concerts and educational events. It also includes a public restroom, a walking path, benches, swings, rain gardens, a storm water infiltration system and a play area for small children. The play area will have a Triangle Shade Sail by Carolina Shade Sails. This will provide protection from the sun and a cool place to play. In addition, the existing boardwalk from K to M Avenues will be replaced, as will one of the beach accesses in order to meet ADA standards. Wooden bump outs with swings facing the ocean along the boardwalk will be installed, and the asphalt on Atlantic Avenue will be replaced with new asphalt sloping to pavers, to increase storm water drainage.
The Town Council is funding the purchase and development of the Ocean Front Park with numerous State grants, a Federal grant and a loan. Keep posted for updated photos of the Park and Playground’s new Shade Sail.